This is something I picked up from google. It is a German/Swiss article about 'the rolling magazine' which I created for Greenbelt and is now used all over.
It is funny because it is only 'english' due to the 'translate this' button. Love how they translate 'Romford'!!
hey hey ..... here goes:-
Sounds a little after Rolling Stones - and that is also no miracle: the origin is British. Meanwhile Rolling of magazines is in addition, on the mainland a brand name for an innovative Christian dte rodent meeting.
Young people between 13 and 25 years meet, know each other already or meet perhaps for the first time. One is never for itself alone, but discussed, dances and speaks with one another. From time to time a merry play, then a small Show, interview, between them short Abtanzen to current Top hits. Later again a calmer phase, a discussion with the neighbour over God, the world and itself.
With the Rolling magazines come out the people from itself. They open for spontaneous discussions, make times which Ausgeflipptes and experience the group. The program is a multicolored mixture (magazine) and it runs off very fast (rolling). The different elements come impact on impact, one to the other one, it become never boring.
One must be thereby and experience a Rolling of magazines around itself its own picture from this program to to make.
The idea originates from England. Pip Wilson, which has directors/conductors of the Rome Ford YMCA it for Greenbelt, which develops largest Christian music festival in Europe, invented and in the course of 10 years to a mad concept.
Also in Swiss Cevi and in the Norwegian KFUM is in the meantime common the concept of the Rolling of magazines.
Wer's to completely exactly know wants: Pip Wilson wrote a book concerning it.
Pip Wilson: Rolling magazine the social music party, Macrea publishing house, ISBN: 3-9520967-1-7