Two of my favorite men here ........ Bono who appears in these pages often and Karl Hyde a Romford boy who interviews Bono in the magazine UNCUT. He refers to his bad experiences of drink on and off stage. Karl himself has been open in public about his own battles with the liquid. He is a fantastic fella and someone else I have tried to get to Greenbelt.
This item from @U2 which is my favorite U2 website:-
This month's Uncut Magazine contains an interview with Bono and Karl Hyde, the singer and lyricist with the dance group Underworld. Included in the interview is this tidbit from Bono on how NOT to write songs: "Anyone who has abused alcohol, and I certainly have, I will tell you - I mean, once I went on stage with a really bad one. I thought I was taking my old man out in Paris, and he actually put me to bed. I woke up 20 hours later and thought I was Jim Morrison. I brought his grave to the people of Paris because I looked like him - a very dead, fat man. But when great stuff comes from me, it doesn't come out of a bottle. I've slid down the side of a few hangovers the next day, and I've written a couple of things on the microphone like that. But very few is the truth. Luckily I haven't figured out how to do this or I might be doing it a lot more. I think it's sometimes very difficult for people who have got to a place high to get there straight. It's like there's no fig leaf."