..................................... it is tough beyond words to walk into a group of people for the first time.
You don't have to be there.
You are full of nerves and doubt your acceptance.
You don't know names.
You don't know ............. it is a mine field BUT .............
if you have lived in a ymca hostel room for three or four weeks without getting out and mixing, like so many do, the furniture and the walls begin talking to you and then it is time ....... the pain of the unknown becomes less than that aloneness in that little room.
Had three brand new people in a group. All with differing ways to communicate. Often, as with all groups/meetings/training sessions with any type of people, you get the louder more (seemingly) confident, the quiet one and the gentle probing one.
Look beyond the behaviour to the soul the need I tell myself. There is a mask YES.
There is also the inner 'finger biting' whatever the mask.
We had the clear avoiding the issue person in our group.
Self revelation NOT.
The first round of questions delivered a dodging answer.
Level zilch communication.
I gently made the observation that this was a duck and a dive.
With 'seems to me' thrown in as non-directive words.
By the time we went around the circle there was the words coming into the centre of the group
"I lied Pip"
That made the group a whole lot better.
One person being authentic until it hurts.
One person 'owning' the reality.
One human 'becoming'.
Discussions roll on and it is beautiful to be here.
Thank you for clicking this way and giving me the honour ...................
you are beautiful ..........................................................................