Saturday, May 08, 2004

Help change lives around the world this Christian Aid Week.
spiritually of giving ......... that got to me ...... because ....... if my spirituality is anything, it must be about the world as well as the immediate ............ that means, for me, for me, that I need to give until it hurts in terms of cash ...... and life ........and all things soaked into the pipsponge.
I believe in life before death and will work with Xian Aid as much as I can.
They/we have a role at Greenbelt and I have a role as a volunteer with them year wide.

Christian Aid Week - the UK's longest established and most successful door-to-door fundraising week - is running from now to 15th May 2004. This year's theme is 'We believe in life before death' and Christian Aid is calling on people across the UK to help give desperately poor people all over the world the chance of a better future.

God so loved the world and we are his hands, his feet ......... his flesh.